Monday, November 10, 2008

Giving Thanks #9

Today I am thankful for God's Provision.
Last week, not this past Sunday but the one before it the kids and I walked out of our Pastor's house (I have a class there each Sunday) to find that the tire which had been giving us trouble ( a slow leak we were having to pump it up about every 3-4 days) had finally given out. It was flat as flat could be. Now I can change a tire but it is not very easy and I was thankful for the men around who were willing to change it for me. Not only were they willing to change it but they took it upon themselves to take the situation and make it a teaching moment for my son E. So there was my 10 year old learning how to change a tire. (we are still d
riving on the donut which is why dear Daphne I have not gotten with you to arrange a time to get together, I am not traveling much :)
Fast forward to this weekend ...
As I posted a few days ago, I left town to take E to a junior bible quiz competition. My friend Cindy and I in her van with 5 kids (4 girls + E) We were headed about 5.5 hours away. We were having a good ride, stopped for dinner and let the kids play and back on the road. We heard a klunk but the van was riding well, it was dark out and we were on the interstate so we didn't stop and then a little further down the road it was obvious something was amiss. After pulling over what we saw was a tire full of air but NO TREAD! it was crazy, the tread just came off (must have been what the klunk was) So my son, being the awesome kid that he is, immediatley says " I know how to change a tire, I can do this mom" So with minimal help my great son changed the tire on the van while we were on the interstate (thank God it was on the passengers side or I would never have allowed him to do it) It was awesome to see his joy in being able to do this for Mrs. Cindy and myself. He did it with ease and confidence. Cindy told me when we got back into the car that just minutes before we left her husband had gone and replaced the spare tire, which is a full size spare (they had had to replace a tire on a recent trip) We also didn't realize it at the time but we had missed our exit, had we taken the correct exit we would have been on a small country road with NO shoulder. It would have been impossible for us to change the tire and there would have been nothing around.
This is certainly NOT the first time God has made provision for us. Over and over again He has done things like this in our lives/my life. I was angry and frustrated with God over my tire last Sunday but now I see the path that was being prepared and the provision being made. I have NO doubt God will provide for my tire to be replaced soon but until then I will rest knowing
that what it says in the book of Mathew chapter 6 verse 8 - "Do not be like them (the pagans who pray with many words for the sake of praying) for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him"
Peace and blessings to you all

and Praise to the THE ALL knowing, ALL providing God!



Miranda said...

AMEN!! God is good!

nomo wino daph said...

To God be the GLORY!
What an awesome story-
thanks for sharing!

What a fine young man E is!!
What a proud momma you must be!