Monday, November 3, 2008

Giving Thanks post #2

*** let me first say I am thankful for all of my children. I am just going to be thankful for each of them separately and in the order they were given to me :)

Today I am thankful for Miss M. Madison is by far the average 17 year old young woman. She has been with me the longest. She was born when I was just 19 years old ... She was born in Aug and I turned 20 in Oct. Her dad and I had been married just 5 months when we learned we should begin preparing for an addition to our family. I could not have been more excited! She arrived one month early after I had a car accident. Her first days were rocky, she spent a little time in the NICU nursery but nothing lasting. She has grown and developed into a healthy young woman. Despite the many challenges which have presented themselves in our lives Miss M continues to strive to be the best she can and though our life is not always what one would wish for Miss M takes it all in stride and does not mullygrub about it.
She has been called into ministry. God has called her to minister to young girls who like her have grown up without an earthly "daddy" in their lives. Her hearts desire is to help these girls know that they are not alone and that they are daughters of the king, the best daddy of all. God is going to use her in great ways and I for one cannot wait to see the effects of her faithfulness to HIM! She is going to be a world changer!
So today I am thankful for my dear sweet girl Miss M!

Miss M is on your left. She is going to kill me for posting this picture but I could not find a more recent one.


Margie @ Smiles Forever Photo said...

Your DD sounds like a Beautiful young lady.. You should be so proud of your children. You are a fantastic Mother and your love for them is so very HEART Warming..

Hugs, M