Friday, October 31, 2008


The Refuge is having its 4th anual Holy Ghost Weenie Roast come join us for Food, Fun, Fellowship and of coarse CANDY! We will have jumpies, entertainment a hay ride a dunking booth, games and if I heard correctly you can even PIE OUR PASTORS! You'll have to get in line behind me for that one (all in good fun right?)
You can be assured you will not encounter anything there to invoke fear in your little one, just tons of fun!!! So come on out, enjoy our new property (we are soooo excited about it!) Oh and I will be the one snapping pictures of everyone, that is always my job! So smile when you see me!
You can find us at : 2705 Guillotteville Rd, Gautier, MS 39553, Phone: 228-522-1980

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Conversations with the 4 year old

ZC witnessed someone throwing a beer bottle in our yard the other day. She was completely dismayed and has been obsessed with it for days. One of the older children told her (not sure what possessed them to do so but none the less they did) that the culprit was probably out getting drunk and had to throw the bottle out the window so they did not get in trouble. 


I hear the conversation from the other room ... 

ZC - Bubba did you know somebody threw a beer bottle in our yard. You know in the backyard, they just threw it in the yard 

E- (totally into the computer) Uh - huh

ZC - they were probably doin drunk

E - (still not willing to break from the computer) Yeah

ZC- bubba - whats doin drunk mean?

E - means you act stupid (how he came up with this definition I don't know either) 

ZC- she is quite for a few seconds and says - well, your stupid sometimes.

OH MY WORD, It was all I could do not to laugh hysterically! OH she is soooo funny! 


My intention was to have this done first thing this morning however, life took over before I had a chance to blink. So sorry. 

This is by far a showcase of my fine photographic talent. :) Thanks everyone who left comments. Keep an eye out, there will be another in November. 

So of coarse I relied on the most accurate randomization prize choosing methods :)  Pen, Paper, scissors  

an empty can and 

and impartial party ... a non-reader at that :)

and the winner is ... 

Mandy over at Adventures of a Millennium Mom. (Who by the way I just realized is not in my side links . Going to add her as soon as I publish this

Many email me you address and the initial you would like on your wrap and I will get you one made up and mailed of within the week! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Peace and Blessings! 


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We're going on a field trip, a field trip a field trip

We're going on a field tip oh what fun it'll be. Cant wait to go to the exploreum tomorrow (Wed) in Mobile. I love that place and the traveling exhibit right now is about frogs. So much fun, I love frogs! It will be a blast. I am sure there will be pictures to post tomorrow, provided I remember the CF card this time!

Dont forget to enter the ***GIVEAWAY*** Just one more day left.

Check this out!

Just scroll down for the details! Don't miss it, the last day to enter is Wednesday.

Here is a link for you to check out! BABY STEALS is an awesome place to get some great deals! The post one a day so don't miss it!!!

Wishing you all a great day!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Family Night #2 ... and other random thoughts ....

#1 - The  *** GIVEAWAY*** is off to a great start. Remember you have until Wed. Night to enter. Zoe Claire will be choosing a winner on Thursday morning. I do sell these. There are several colors to choose from and they are $20 + shipping. Anyone interested can email me at  .... put "WRAP"  in the subject line for more information. I am hoping to eventually get an etsy store up and running before too long.

#2 - a different kind of family night. We decided this week that we wanted to include some of our dearest friends in family night. Our original plan was to go to my best friends housee and play with the kiddos while she got somethings accomplished but it was too cold to go outside and I was trying to help with a slideshow for a grant. So Miss M did bake cookies for everyone while we were over there and then played with some of the little ones. We also had plans to help distribute flyers about the "Holy Ghost Weinie Roast" and "prayer walk" some of surrounding neighborhoods. That was awesome!!! Amanda was with Miss M, ZC and myself while E partnered with an older gentleman in our church. Miss M really stepped out of her comfort zone and Randy reported that E did a great job talking with people and inviting them to come out and enjoy the free food and fun! Dear sweet Amanda decided to reward us all for our good attitudes :) and take us out for dinner. Isn't she a sweetie! So we had some yummy, yummy Chinease food.  We got home and I heard Miss M reading to ZC and helping E through some disappointment he was experiencing.  I am loving the new attitudes. 

Miss Amanda has been so great for our family. I have told her over and over she was sent here just for us but I know God intends to use her in BIG BIG ways while He has her here in Pascagoula! She really really ministered to us as a family tonight in all her teaching, she just cant help herself!

#3 Sometimes life is just disappointing. ohhh trying to help children deal with that is so difficult. Most of you who are close to us know that My son E is dealing with the fact that his father has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He has held up pretty well. Tonight he was disappointed that when he tried to call his dad was already asleep. Miss M. helped him through that by pointing him to God's word and then later on he was on his knees praying for his dad. Man I love my kids. They teach me so much!

So all in all it was a good day.  A day of learning and praying and serving a God we love so much!
Praying you had a great day as well!
Peace and Blessings

Saturday, October 25, 2008

**** GIVEAWAY****

With the holiday season approaching I thought it might be fun to host my first giveaway. This is one of my personalized handmade wraps. Wraps are great for when you get out of the swimming pool or the shower. They allow you to be fully covered while you blow dry your hair and apply makeup. The wrap will be personalized with the initial of your choice . So what do you have to do to win?

Leave a comment, that's it. You can receive 5 entries by letting me know you blogged about the giveaway. The winner will be chosen on Thursday.

Peace and Blessings,

Thursday, October 23, 2008


One of the many things I love about living in a small town is when the fair comes to town. The sounds, the lights, combined with the smells of cotton candy, shrimp gumbo and of coarse funnel cake all remind me that cooler whether is on its way and all over town people are talking about the fair. The older more seasoned fair goers are talking about those blue ribbon tomatoes while their grandchildren are planning which ride they will ride 100+ times. Moms and dads are busy trying to decide which booth they will get their gumbo from and how on earth they will get out of there without spending at least a weeks salary.

As the usually are around here the funds are tight. I talked very openly with the kids about how we could go to the fair an look at the animals and the crafts but we did not have the money to ride rides etc... So they started praying. They crack me up. It warms my heart to know that they know that God cares about if they have fun or not. So anyway with all their hearts they prayed. Within a couple of hours their nana (aka my mom) called with the news she wanted to bless us with a little extra money so we could go to the fair. God is so good! Truly HE amazes me. If I could even list the small prayers (the prayers I thought were insignificant) that He has answered in the past few days. He really amazes me.

At any rate. here is our trip in pics. I am thinking about a trip out there tonight to for some fine art images. We went during the day so nothing was lit up but I think I got some fun stuff.
Hope you enjoy!


Then to the Liberty AG booth for gumbo, this is while we were waiting, not sure why the girls are staring off into space.

and then we stood in line for ....

and then the rides.... oh we love the rides!

I told Madi this was good practice for her driving test ... haha

It's a bird.... It's a plane .....

...................................................................It's super Ethan

and we ended our trip with YUMMY TREATS of PURE sugar!

cotton candy

and funnel cake!

Needless to say we had a blast! Thanks Nana!
I hope to go back for some fine art images with the lights on.

Totally unrelated to the fair ... when did she learn to do that?
walk with her hands in her back pockets all "cool" like that
My baby is growing up .... waaahaaaaa

Peace and Blessings

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Giveaway at the "link to share" this morning

Ok, I know southern girls love their monogrammed items. This place has it all!
The Monogram Chick is giving a way an awesome monogramed recipe box. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment and tell her I sent ya! While you are there don't forget to check out all of her great stuff!!!!!

Oh and be on the lookout for a giveaway here. I am not spilling the beans yet but I promise it will be worth your comment.

have a great day!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Family Night Success!!!

Let me encourage anyone out there who does not set aside a regular planned time for their family to do so. We had a blast, enjoyed each others company and learned a little too.  

We really had a wonderful time and Ethan told me today "Mom thanks for giving up some of your time, I am going to give up some of my time now and clean my room like you like it ... Well blow me over!!!!"  I know it seems like something so little but the boy HATES to clean his room! Also in Wallyworld today he was fussing about having to be there and he stopped himself and I even heard him utter the words "Mom, I'm sorry"  I know this is God plain and simple honoring the commitment I have made to him to train up these children in the way they should go. So to Him I give great grattitude!

Link to share ....  Balancing Beauty and Bedlum .... Jen writes from an honest heart about the beauty of raising her family and the Bedlum that sometimes comes with it. I enjoy reading about the lessons she is trying to impart on her children and what they end up teaching her. 
So take a minute and enjoy her blog and dont forget to leave her some love! :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Family Night is in the Making

So just a quick post ... Tonight we start a family tradition ... Fun Family Evening. We hope to schedule it ever Monday and use it as a time to reconnect and bond with one another. My hope is that we will all gain a greater appreciation for one another and thus treat one another with more respect. So tonights plan ....

We will start with a song of praise to God (Miss M)
Then we will have a time for scripture (I have chosen Matthew 5 - the Beatitudes)
Then a little lesson on the beatitudes
Lastly we will have a treat and activity (Ethan decided on a movie -the game plan- while piled on my bed, the movie will be followed by a movie review discussion)
ZC and I made treats for the movie (sugar cookies - will share the recipe later tonight or tomorrow)

seems so much more simple than I have always tried to make things. Thanks to my some wonderful encouragers on the photographer's forum that I belong to for encouraging me to do this.

So thats it, if you read this on Monday night whisper a quick prayer that God would honor this time we have set aside for him and for each other.

Signing out until the kids are asleep .... if I dont fall asleep first!

Peace and Blessings -

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Beauty from Ashes ...

Sometimes I feel like my life is in ashes, you know kind of a shambles, all fallen apart and not sure how to get it back on track. Sometimes I can't figure out how I got "HERE" in this place, single with 3 kids, mess after mess to clean up (physically and emotionally), small business owner, a past that is in many respects "shameful." At times it feels like there is nothing left of it to salvage. How will I ever redirect it and get it back on track? How will I use it to bring glory to my creator the one who has made me, fashioned me in His likeness, the creator who has the hairs on my head numbered.  How will it ever be the beautiful life I dreamed of. You know the "American dream"  house on a hill, white picket fence, dog named spot, minivan kind of dream? I was recently talking with a friend - I REALLY REALLY wish I could remember who it was who said this (and if you are reading this and you remember talking with me about it PLEASE speak up!) ONLY God can bring BEAUTY from the ASHES .... ahaaa moment it was my sweet new friend Amanda! ok, had to give credit where credit is due ... When something is just broken it is the same object in many pieces, Each broken piece maintains the same basic properties and thus it can be put back together and have the same basic properties. When something is burned, the properties are all broken down, the chemical makeup is changed and it can no longer be what it was - We as humans cannot take those ashes and fashion it into a useful object different from what it started it out as.  ONLY God can take the ashes and give you something beautiful in return. I have been witness to these transformations before, the marriage that was "dead" because one or both of the partners made horrible decisions, the addict who had lived for 20 years clinging to his "drug of choice", the girl who was completely given over to an eating disorder and in turn was killing her body and spirit.  God has worked over and over in all those situations to make Beautiful the Ashes left from the burning fire that breaks us down. He is doing that in my life. He is changing my dreams to line up with His will for my life, He is rebuilding something beautiful just for my little family so that we would bring HIM glory! Thank you God! Take the ashes which I have created myself in my own choices and decisions and create something BEAUTIFUL that it would glorify YOU!

What about you are you tired and worn? burned into ashes from trying to do it all on your own? Are you ready to handover your ashes and wait at His feet while he creates Beauty from what you once thought was destroyed?  I would love the opportunity to pray with you as you wait. Please feel free to leave a comment below you can be as specific or general as you like. Or if you have a story of hope I would love to hear that as well.

Gotta LOVE Bible Gateway
Isaiah 61:3
and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor

Peace and Blessings

beautiful saturday!

It is a great day. God is leading me in some new directions. I cant wait until I can share them with you all but for now I need to sit on somethings, pray about some things and prepare some things .... so busy :)

I have another link for you to check out! The crafty crow is one of the most incredible resources I have found this far. It is chock full of pictures and links to wonderful craft ideas for family's and kids. I know the author has to work very hard to keep it up and she does such a great job! so head on over there and give it a try!

The Crafty Crow

Also don't miss the giveaways over at SITS

It is truly a gorgeous day outside. Stunning, perfect weather, big puffy white clouds in the sky. As I said a beautiful day. So what are you doing inside? Get out there and enjoy the beautiful gift of today you have been given!

peace and blessings

Friday, October 17, 2008

Random thoughts ...

Well I will start this off with a link for today BABY LOVE LETTERS
BLL is a blog dedicated to helping parents record their thoughts and memories in written form for their children. Each Friday the blogs author suggests a question or topic for you to record your thoughts about. She has also written a book. As someone who finds great value in recording my thoughts I find this website essential and a much needed. Sometimes it is difficult to think of something to write about and author gives you a starting place.

HOUSEWORK: YIKES .... can I just say keeping a small house with 3 active children is not easy. We have WAY too much stuff. Anyone in the area with the gifting of organization and would like to barter their skill for some family portraits go ahead and speak up. My office area seems to suffer the most I just lack the ability to go through my own stuff and get rid of stuff and organize it.

FULL WEEKEND: I really do enjoy it when there is lots to be done. We have lots of fun activities on our books for the weekend and I am excited about it. It is good to keep your hands and minds busy. Some of what is planned is work but some is just for fun. Whatever it is ... Its a full few days!

Our weekly memory verse:

CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS: Check out my Photography Blog for my "Coastal Christmas" Limited Edition session. I have added a bit to this set. A couple of chairs and some large packages wrapped in paper with the same theme. You can check out my photography blog by going to


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Link of the day ...

Ok so I have decided something fun to do might be to point you to other blogs I am finding as I explore blog land. Careful It is easy to get SUCKED in! I don't know that this will become a daily feature or not but thought it would be fun and well would make my blog exploring adventures worthwhile :)

Truth be told I JUST found this blog a few days ago and I LOVE THIS GIRL! I love her writing style the way she tells a story keeps me on the edge of my seat wanting more. I don't know much about her except what her profile says .. she is a fellow single mom, an interior designer, and an incredibly fun writer. So, hop on over to The Peterson's Go Public Tell Jennifer I sent you.

Have a great Thursday Everyone!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Secrets in the Sauce

AKA SITS is the coolest place and my newest find in the blog world! It is all about bringing bloggers together and helping its readers find blogs you may not find otherwise. I can not believe I have not found it before yesterday. It is awesome ... so what are you waiting for go check it out!!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fresh Yummy Goodness

I love warm fresh baked bread. There is notihing better than fresh sliced bread, straight from the oven, dripping in butter. MMMMMM ! The kids have been begging me to make some and quite honestly with the invention of the bread maker it really is not all that difficult but I know once it comes out it is GONE! It takes 15 minutes to put the ingredients together, 3 hours to rise and bake and gone in a matter of 2 minutes. They Love it! Yeah me too! So anyway, while I was slicing it looked sooooo good I wanted ot share it with you all


I got the recipe off the White Lily bread flour sack and says to put ingrediant into bread machine as directed in the manual

1 1/2 lb loaf
1 1/2 tsp active dry yeast
3 cups flour
2 tbs sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
3 tbs butter or margarine
1 cup water

cook and enjoy!

Relationships .... do you form them?

Recently I was in a class and the topic was about relationships. The class is one designed to build leaders in the church (it is AWESOME!!!) Anyway, the topic was relationships, about how that is how Jesus built the ministry the Father sent Him to build. Jesus formed lasting, strong relationships with people who believed in Him, in His message, in His ministry and those people loved him and became His "support" here on earth (He didnt necessarily need that support but in His humaness he wanted it, I believe he wanted to show us and teach us from those relationships) He sought out men who like Himself would be willing to give up all they were asked for the ministry ,mind you HE, Jesus, gave the ultimate sacrifice, but those men who He brought into His inner circle were men willing to give up their families, their own comfort, their jobs ... well, you get the picture, to follow the Mesiah! This is beginning to look like it could be two posts in one I will try to stay focused ...
The point in all this being He formed relationships with like minded men. Men who were willing to follow His lead while giving all they had to give to the ministry.

The point of the class discussion is do we form relationships with people who also have a similiar ministry vision, who are called to reach the lost however, God has called you (be it to single moms, young girls, young men, addicts who have been freed of addiction, wall street work-aholics ... are you getting the picture here?)

I can honestly with everything in me answer that question with a resounding "NO" and for the past several days now I am trying to get to the root of WHY I don't. Here is my list of excuses .... can you relate with any of them?

1. For as long as I can remember just about every man I cared about in my life has walked out - starting with my father, and ending with an ex-husband and a serious boyfriend. That is difficult to type, very difficult to type but if I am going to be truly transparent here I have to say it. Of coarse that makes me wonder .. what is it about me? The truth of the matter is that I just dont know how to "pick 'em"

2. As a single mom I feel needy so much of the time. The need is multi-level financial, emotional and spiritual. When I feel needy I have a difficult time believing I have anything to give to offer to anyone.

3. I dont want to burden anyone with all my need :)I dont want anyone to feel like they have to respond or supply the answers to everything we need. I hate that feeling the most and that is what keeps me from calling people to ask them over for dinner, or to hangout etc...

4. I think I am weird. It is the artist in me, I see things from a little different perspective than most and well, I think people will think I am weird.

5.I FEAR rejection This goes hand in hand with excuse #1

6. Relationships take work and time! I am not afraid of the work or time however, time is not something I have alot of and honestly I am not a very good steward of my time (yeah, I am trying to work on that too) I dont have one single childhood friend that I have held on to. Really not one! I do have one friend who has managed to stick with me for nearly 20 years now but I have no doubt she has had to work hard to do so. :) You know I love ya SC!

So why do I put all that out here? Accountability I suppose. I don't want to be that way. I want to win the world for Jesus and I know I cannot do that alone. I can think of an area of ministry I believe He has spoken to my heart about and well I am not at all sure how He will bring it together but I KNOW there will have to be others involved and that will require ... YOU GOT IT ... RELATIONSHIPS!

So there I am as see through as glass! How about you ... do you tend to stick to yourself trying to go it mostly alone or if you are great at forming and keeping some relationships why do you think that is? Can you give us some pointers?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Just Enough

So recently my pastor (Pastor Rick from The Refuge) posed the question .... "What is wrong with God giving us just enough? Just enough money to make the bills, just enough gas to get where we need to go, just enough food for our next meal, JUST ENOUGH, not huge amounts, not great abundances at one time, but enough to live, to breathe, to be taken care of ... JUST ENOUGH.

As Americans, living in such a wealthy country we have become accustomed to having more than we need at one time - extra money in the bank, leftovers in the fridge, extravagant dinners out, extra unused bedrooms in our home, we often spend money on unnecessary items and buy more than we need and even more than we are likely to use. We purchase hundreds of dvd's which we will only watch once or twice, toys that our children are likely to only look at one or two times, and cook enough to feed an army.

So I ask what is wrong with having "just enough"? The most memorable lesson of God's daily provision I can think of is found in Exodus 16 where we find the Israelites who were wondering in the desert and God gave them just enough manna for each day. Each new morning they were to go out and collect just enough for their household for that day only and if they got stingy and tried to horde it the manna spoiled and they found maggots in it. The only exception was on the day before the Sabbath, they were to collect enough for both days so they could rest on the Lord's day. Isn't that just like God to teach us a lesson about how to rely on him. I have to say that in the last couple of years God has been working overtime trying to teach me this lesson and only in the last few weeks do I think I am really "getting it". The answer to all my problems has seemed to me to be the blessing of an abundance of money so I could buy a larger house,a more reliable car, great things for my kids, new clothes etc... but the truth of the matter is He has given us "enough"! Our tummies are full when we go to bed every night and most of the time I don't have to worry with leftovers in the fridge, the bills get paid and there is enough gas in the car to get us where we need to go. We have enough beds for everyone to sleep comfortably and toys to help our minds to grow. We have ENOUGH! And as it was true for the Israelites I am sure there are times it appears to me that my supply is running out, like I dont know what we will eat for breakfast in the morning, or have for dinner that night. There are times when that worry creeps back in, but then the morning comes and the ground is covered, the Manna is fresh and just like the day before we have enough to gather for the day. God has over and over, on a daily basis proven himself faithful!

As Miss ZC would say .... Hallelulal! God is sooo very good! HE is ENOUGH!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I have a follower :) Lets not confuse that with stalker but a follower. Look to the right and scroll down a bit you will see the lovely Daphne's pic (a.k.a. flip flops and pearls) she is watching my blog to see if I say anything important. HAHA! Just another fun tool blogger offers to keep up with all your friends/cyberspace buddies. So give it a try! Its as easy as 1.2.3.

Peace and Blessings

Monday, October 6, 2008

They say the funniest things ....

I just have to share what Miss ZC said to me this evening. Today was my birthday ... my 37th birthday. My birthdays have always been a big deal but they were a big deal because I considered them to be my day. The day God gave me. This year I really would have just prefered it slide on by. I can only guess it is because it I am only 3 very short years away from being the big 4-0. At anyrate, I think because I am a single parent my mother tries extra hard to make it nice for me and I really appreciate that she does that. Today she brought us lunch and just visited and on Thursday we will have a family dinner to celebrate with my brother, sil and my youngest sis, mom and dad. (side note we will miss you very much this year my sweet Meghan) Ok, so back to Miss ZC - she was angry because it was bed time and will all she could muster she marched her little self out here, arms across her chest and said (and by the way mommy, our birthday stinks anyway, you didn't have any cake, no cupcakes even and not any balloons either." Bless her little heart, I did make her french toast for breakfast, shouldn't that count for something? hehe. If I was not laughing so hard she would have gotten in a bit of trouble for the attitude, as it were I sent her to bed without even any cake or cupcakes. :) Hope everyone had a beautiful day!
peace and blessings

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Important Lessons

This post is sparked by a not so nice comment I received on the blog today. Why is it that people who make ugly comments tend to hide behind “anonymous”. After much investigation I think I have found the commenter and it is just hurtful that she came from a forum I have grown to love because of the support that everyone shows for one another. Oh well. The comment was in relation to the fact that I misspelled righteousness in the name of this blog. I should have known to check the spelling but I got in a hurry and didn't take the time to do it. By the time I realized it it was too late to do anything about it. The commenter said “I hope God teaches your children how to spell the word righteousness correctly” and quite frankly so do I but in the big scheme of things I hope He teaches them so much more first.

*I pray they learn to hear Gods voice while they are still young.
*I pray they learn to obey God, his commands and to walk the path He has for each one of them.
*I pray they learn that charity starts at home.
*I pray they learn to love each other and the people in their lives unconditionally and without hesitation.
*I pray they learn that it is okay to express that love openly and honestly.
*I pray they learn to let down their guard and allow other people into their lives and to share the rea people God has created them to be, their thoughts, hopes, dreams and passions.
*I pray they learn how to learn independently.
*I pray they learn to love reading, for entertainment and educational purposes.
*I pray they learn to see the value of family especially the value in being close to your family
*I pray they learn the truth in the teachings of Jesus – the first shall be last and the last shall be first.
*I pray they learn the value of being a servant to their fellow man and that include
*I pray they learn to live life to its fullest and with no regrets.
*I pray they learn to step out of the crowd, to be leaders in their community and to make changes for the better of all even if it means giving up something they want.
*I pray they learn their own value in God, in the death of Christ and not in the worlds standards.

While I pray they learn soooo many important things, learning how to spell righteousness is not first on my list. It is honestly one of my most common spelling mistakes, no matter how many times I have made the mistake I just keep on making it over and over .... ugh .... However, I must say being an awful speller has not held me back in life. I earned a masters degree in speech language pathology and have managed to keep a multitude of other things going. My son could read the bible before he entered kindergarten and those were not memorized passages. In fact all of my children are very bright. Sometimes I get caught up in wondering if I am “good enough” to teach them and to that I say probably not but there is no one on this earth who could care more about their education then I. Thank you snippy poster for helping me to remember those lessons which are most important.

Peace and Blessings to you all.