Monday, September 15, 2008

Flying time!

Today we started week 5 of the Schultz Family School 2008-2009 Year. I cannot believe how fast time is going. I am amazed. Now I know we have not really had a FULL week due to hurricane scares and necessary evacuations. Despite those unwanted interruptions I think this is the best start to a school year we have had yet. In addition to Madison, Ethan and Zoe Claire, we also have 2 sweeties with us. K and K are twins in the third grade. The girls fit into our family so very nicely. They all love to find similarities they have. I really think Miss M is enjoying having the company around. She has been in a classroom of 1 for so long. It has been great to have her there to encourage and assist with the younger ones. It has benefited her as well. I am a firm believer in what I believe to be fact is that sometimes our brains are just not ready to take in certain information. Sometimes it needs to grow, branch out and develop in other areas before it is ready to grasp other concepts and processes. I think this is especially true for math. For years Miss M has struggled with math. It has been difficult to understand. Many years in a row she hits a wall before the first week is even up. It has clicked with her this year. She just "got it" and she is so excited. Not to say it is easy at all but she is understanding it, the numbers and their process' are making sense.
So I am hoping you are all having a great year so far. Praying you are enjoying one another and the bond that homeschooling helps to create. Praying you are all also enjoying your school year so far!

Peace and blessings